Communications Management

Communication Planning

USD 2.00
Alan Fata, DBA

Communications management is about keeping everybody in the loop. The communications planning process concerns defining the types of information you will deliver, who will receive it, the format for communicating it, and the timing of its release and distribution. It turns out that 90% of a project manager’s job is spent on communication so it’s important to make sure everybody gets the right message at the right time.

The first step in defining your communication plan is figuring out what kind of communication your stakeholders need from the project so they can make good decisions. This is called the communications requirements analysis. Your project will produce a lot of information; you don’t want to overwhelm your stakeholders with all of it. Your job is to figure out what they feel is valuable. Communicating valuable information doesn’t mean you always paint a rosy picture. Communications to stakeholders may consist of either good news or bad news. The point is that you don’t want to bury stakeholders in too much information but you do want to give them enough so that they’re informed and can make appropriate decisions.

Other course details:
  • This is an introductory course that does not require any prerequisite.
  • This course can be taken on a standalone basis.
  • This course is chapter 15 in the book titled "Project Management".
  • It provides 0.5 PDU (Leadership skill) towards your PMP professional development education
Course Features
0.5 PDU
Skill Section:
Test Questions: